welcome to the neet zone

currently under construction as i learn what da heck i'm doing

layout template by sadness from sadgrl.online

neet's deets / may 3rd 2024

hello! i wanted to pop a little update on how i'm doing here on this lil website, as i'm just beginning my journey of learning how to curate this online space just for neet!

since my last major physical and social burnout that lasted until february, that i've just now recovered from, i've become more and more distant from social media and online spaces in general and i've mainly receded into my mind. i've also been trying to avoid social media (and tiktok) because i think since i started going on it daily my attention span is fried and i've found it harder to do anything without scrolling on tiktok at the same time T_T

i originally planned to have a tumblr as a space to post longer journal style blog posts or even trying out doing micro podcasting to share my thoughts and updates about my life, hobbies and especially my adhd journey since my official diagnosis in march, but i would never consistently go to that space to share what was going on, i would just use twitter or bluesky for bite sized life updates, especially since most people i know and care to update, twitter is my main connection to them nowadays

so i want this place to ideally host not just my blogging/life updates, but also as a digital sketchbook, so i can share artwork with the world that is just gathering dust in my procreate files on my ipad XD i also would like to expand my blogging to maybeee... vlogging? i've been thinking about making irl youtube content rather than only videogame content. i mean, i do want to make some animal crossing and nostalgic DS game videos soon, but i have also been doing a lot of thinking of youtube/blog content related to my other hobbies of fashion, adhd, witchcraft and divination, reading, crafting, etc. basically queer and adhd lifestyle content lol

anyways this is quite long already, i'm writing this after 1am after a few hours of hyperfocusing on neocities related guides and checking out some established websites for inspiration and resources :P

take care, i'll be updating this place with more goodies and layout changes from now on!!
